1. You have time and the possibility to express yourself, your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
  2. Today we all can easily exchange short messages, but what can you learn from it? You just can get information like ‘how are you doing?’, ’are you ok?’, ‘how was your day?’
  3. If a woman does not know your language, she can use google translator. Remember that that system of translating does not give an exact interpretation. You do not need it at the beginning of your relations.
  4. To write a letter is not an old-fashion system, that is an absolutely normal and natural process. While writing, you learn more about yourself too. You get a guarantee that each of your sentences will be translated properly and a woman will know what you think about.
  5. You can choose a Video Date instead of a letter. It looks easier and quicker, but … are you in a hurry?
  6. It is enough to have 2-3 letters per week to learn more about your partner in addition to video communication.